》Straightforward OLED Show - These presentations are straightforward, permitting clients to see through the screen while as yet having the option to show top notch pictures and video.
》Self-Mending Electronic Skin - This sort of electronic skin can self-recuperate when it is harmed, making it valuable for prosthetics and other clinical applications.
》Sun oriented Controlled Streets - These streets have installed sunlight based chargers that can produce power and assist with fueling close by structures and homes.
》Holographic showcase - These presentations use lasers to project 3D holographic pictures, considering a more vivid review insight.
》Adaptable Screens - These screens can be bowed and molded, making them valuable for different applications like bended TVs and roll-up shows.
》Expanded Reality Glasses - These glasses permit the wearer to see advanced data overlaid onto this present reality, improving their visual experience.
》Wearable Wellbeing Trackers - These gadgets track different wellbeing measurements, for example, pulse, rest examples, and action levels, assisting people with observing their general wellbeing.
》Remote Charging Cushions - These cushions permit clients to charge their electronic gadgets without the requirement for lines and links.
》Mind PC Connection points - These points of interaction take into account direct correspondence between the cerebrum and electronic gadgets, possibly permitting people to control their innovation with their viewpoints.